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The UK's most sustainable brewery is coming BACK

2 years would have passed by the time we re-open our doors


Just about enough time to dream up how we  become the most sustainable brewery on this planet.

From the ground up

Losing your entire brewery to the powers of mother nature does have its silver linings. We have the chance of re-building from 67 metres below ground level to 9m above.


Infrastructure to  building a sustainable site is so hard once everything is built and in place, we're so impressed with how our industry has tackled this since the early days of our existence.


We would be doing ourselves and our industry a disservice if we did not make the most of this once in a life time (we hope) opportunity.


We have installed a network of pipes, ducts and cables underneath our brewery site and surrounding farm to make sure we have everything we need to deliver on a sustainable promise to ourselves, our industry and our planet.


From 67 under with our bore hole which is now connected to the entire farm & even ready to hydrate our neighbours to their hearts content.


Cables & pipes ready for a reimagined array of green energy producing solar photovoltaic, solar thermal, wind turbines and hydro turbines across the farm and buildings.


A ground up redesign of our founders worlds first spent grain dehydrator.


Every particle of waste from our brewery treated here on site through our new reed bed.


Bringing to life our first ever Build Project, where we take our waste packaging and bring it to new life.


& of course we will be back delivering beer to you all in our electric powered van charged directly from our own solar farm.

We wont stop there...

This journey were on will continue week in week out, we will keep pushing what it looks like to be a manufacturer of products in todays climate and keep sharing with as many people as we possibly can to help in turn make a difference.


Keep checking back on this page and our socials for updates.


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