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Investment Opportunity

EIS Approved  ||  £1.2M+ Raised  ||  £0 - £4M Valuation in 18 Months



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"We are revolutionising drinks production and hospitality with the world’s most sustainable brewery. With 15 years of engineering experience and 10 years in the brewing and hospitality industry, having already built the UK’s first fully sustainable, multiple award-winning brewery & having invented the world’s first spent grain dehydrator, turning waste grain back to the table. We are set to lead the way once again.


We have grown Allkin from £0 to a £4M valuation in under 18 months, raised over £1M, and will launch our state-of-the-art brewery this summer with assets worth £1.5M. With over 6,000 direct customers and a proven 100% track record in returning investor funds with profit, we are poised to change the game. Our upcoming brewery is unprecedented, leveraging our engineering and industry expertise.


We are addressing the decline of traditional hospitality and the isolating effect of technology. People crave social experiences, but they are often priced out or resort to digital alternatives. Our solution is to create accessible, inspirational experiences using our sustainable products as the core driver of profit and community. These spaces will be unlike any other.


Following our initial success, we are offering a unique investment opportunity. You can get involved early in a high-growth business, with planned returns in year two and profits from then on. Investors can receive dividends or sell their shares at their discretion.


This EIS-eligible investment round is your chance to join us before we close off further fundraising.


To learn more, click the link below to receive our investor pack and join the waitlist.


Join us in leading sustainable production and building a business like no other."


Chris Drummond

Founder of Allkin Brewing Company

Investor perks sent out when you join the wait list below. A little teaser for you: All investors will be hosted with up to 50 friends for an exclusive Brew House party here at the brand new brewery.




Dec 2023

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A note

from our founder

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“In 2017 I Founded Good Things Brewing Co from a love of creating truly great products in the most sustainable way I possibly could.  This journey has taken myself and our incredible team on an epic ride that recently changed direction forever.


Since we opened the doors to our very own brewery in 2019 the response from our community has been life changing.  Doubling turnover year on year with profits consistently on the rise.


Then in July 2021 we got struck by lightning where our 17th century much loved brewery burnt to the ground.  A moment that could well have been the beginning of the end for us but that’s not how I wanted to play the cards that had been dealt.  That very moment has become the start of something much much bigger.


I believe that companies should exist for good;  for the good of their team;  those that invest in their future, their shareholders and far beyond.  Companies should set an example of the way things should be, changing the path of their industries for a better planet and a healthier community.


Welcome to Allkin Brewing Company

An Independent Collaboration between Community and Team. 

Christopher Drummond, Founder




at the heart

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Breweries are made up of their communities, without them they are little more than a production site, with them they are magical, as communities represent who we are as people.  

From shared moments with friends to celebrating our achievements, that long overdue catch up to feeling a part of a something that welcomes you with open arms.


Let’s rise from the ashes and build something we all love.


Our name is an important part of our journey, one that represents our community, who we are and where we are going.


All - Kin,  All Community,  All friends

All of us.

Our story

& how it started

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Our story began back in 2014, the year our founder Chris began to merge ideas driven from 15 years of sustainable engineering and his love of beautifully produced craft beer. Chris and his life long friend Russ began to talk about the possibilities of breaking out of their current careers & making a name for themselves within the brewing industry.


By 2015 Crafted Crate was born. A craft beer subscription company that celebrated the exciting UK brewing scene. They visited every single brewery that was curated for their monthly crate, showcasing the best beers they could get their hands on. Whilst visiting each brewery, our founder could not help writing notes on all the inefficiencies he could see through processes and energy consumption (a habit from his previous career). Chris & Russ considered for weeks how they could use their knowledge to help the industry but kept coming back to the idea of creating their very own brewery and leading change from within.

& then

Good Things

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By the middle of 2017 Good Things Brewing Co was born, on a mission to pave the way for sustainably brewed, impeccable quality beer. With our closed-loop brewery up and running by early 2019 the team set its sights on joining our industry heroes in making truly great beer, beer that we all loved, beer that we were incredibly proud of.


The company went from strength to strength, picking up Brewery of the Year award, Green Brewery Award and Innovation of the year in the first 12 months whilst securing both UK & International accounts.


By year 2 we were outgrowing our brewing capacity so we installed more fermentation tanks to keep up with demand. Our community was growing as was our team.


Our biggest hurdle came when the world shut down due to Covid, our community became our beacon of light relentlessly supporting our every move, guiding us forward, trying every product we made, shouting to the rooftops about who we were.


We had become a well known trusted brewery across the industry, it was this part of the journey that helped us navigate the unexpected journey that we were about to embark.

A new Chapter

A chance to reimagine the perfect brewery

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On 25th july 2021 our Brewery got struck by lightning.  Our 17th century beautiful barn we called home burnt to the ground within hours, leaving us with no business, no premise & no promise of any road ahead. Cash-flow stopped, our investors moved on and our world came to a crashing halt.


This was the very moment that everything changed for us and we had a chance to reimagine our perfect brewery. We went on the hunt to find every silver lining we could & pull apart everything we did not like about the company before us.


Allkin Brewing Company was formed and the response from our community was nothing short of incredible.


This time around we have years of experience under our belt, we get to start with an incredible team from day one, design our perfect brewery and install the best equipment for the beer we want to make. This list is endless and the silver linings are still flooding in.


The new Brewery home is almost complete, it will be of standout beauty, sat on the East Sussex and Kent border, nestled in the rolling hills is our beautifully crafted oak barn that has been meticulously designed to bring to life the most inspiring brewhouse the UK has seen.

Our Founder

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Christopher Drummond


With 15 years experience as a sustainable engineer, a successful brewery launched & relentless resilience shown this past 2 years Chris is now ready to put his skills to good use in an industry he has fallen in love with & already made a name for himself.


Chris lifted his last team up to take home the ‘Green Brewery of the year’ award in our debut year and has since won the brewers innovation of the year, brewery of the year and the sustainable drinks awards. Chris has pushed every part of the brewing process to have as little impact on the planet as anyone has ever achieved & fully believes there is plenty more he can bring to the world.


Now with ‘self sustained, full circle brewing’ being our ground zero, Chris is pushing for our brewery to be the best community led company he can dream up. Excited for this next chapter he is giving it his all to bring this to life bigger and better than ever before.


Having raised over £2M to date in the brewing industry alone and with a 100% track record in getting every single investor the bare minimum of their full investment back Chris is looking to combine all his knowledge, skillsets and experience in to the most successful company he has ever built. Feeling like it has all been leading up to this moment he can not wait to launch Allkin in 2024.




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We re-landscaped the brewery farm to meet the needs of a high end sustainable brewery // Installed a bore hole network, solar cables and storm drain infrastructure across the 5 acre site to future proof anything we build.


Built the company office & a large pole barn ready for brew house storage


Constructed a new Brewery entrance with more parking, more suitable for larger commercial premises and to give us complete access across the farm.


Launched crowdfund & hit 430K of which secured the 50% down payment for the brewery kit, vital as it is a 6 month build : Now ready to ship


Built our first Tap Bar in Tunbridge Wells, 14 Taps ready to pour our beer, now open for 12 months and gaining traction week on week ready for the brewery launch next year.


Brew house,  canning room,  tap room & cold store build is now at 70% completion


Brewery launch expected Summer 2024


Soon to launch the brewery & officially announce that it is the most sustainable brewery (if not business) on the planet, 100% off grid and self sustained, re-using tesla batteries, 160kw of solar panels, mini roof top turbines, reed beds, bore hole, electric delivery vans, heat recovery & much more.


Allkin's first pub to launch in September


Hastings Tap Bar to launch in October


V2 of our own invention (a worlds first), the spent grain dehydrator launches later this year. Taking all our brewery spent grain and turning it in to a super flour to use across our venues and local bakeries. This will also be milled on site, of which is already in place.


The launch of another worlds first, we will be delivering batteries fully charged from our solar farm to our tap bars as we deliver that weeks beer stock. This will reduce our energy costs and make use of the surplus energy we can create at the brew site on the days we are not brewing.


Brighton Tap bar launches late 2024 (This is our second tap bar in Brighton)

2025 & Onwards

12 Venues in 3 years

The key here is not the venues making high profits themselves, that rarely happens in this era of hospitality. We will be producing our own product & in control of the flow of our product, taking our profit per keg from £40 for Trade sales to £210 for Direct to Consumer sales. Owning venues and selling direct to the consumer is how this business will be a great success. We will not only repeat this across venues but also events, online and at our brewery. Consistently growing our community.


We will be following a strategic plan to achieve the rate in which we open venues, successfully.


By selling wholesale through partners already in place we will be pushing product to area by area. Once we have a foot hold in that area we will then be pushing direct trade to as many venues as we can to build our name in that location. We already have 100's of direct trade customers lined up.


Once our brand grows of which we will know from the rate in which the direct to consumer online advertising picks up we will then be building a new bar in that location where we would have already done the leg work to have an active audience.


This model is not new to us and is already in motion, the rate in which our TW Tap has taken off is a great indicator. This is a fast paced venue acquisition but the profits are far greater than running even the most successful of breweries alone.  




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£4 / Share


£3.20 / Share

(Still accessible to 50K shareholders and above












Up to 30% tax relief / Tax-free growth / Capital gains deferral / inheritance tax relief or Loss relief on exit : Do your own research


Share Details

All shares are 'A CLASS'  the same share value as our Founder & our initial round Crowdfunders.


There is no dilution of shares, any further share distribution comes from our Founders shares and does not dilute those already invested.


Shares are issued same day of investment

& EIS Certificates will be delivered within 3 weeks.


We have launched this company to be one of fair share distribution and giving full clarity to all share holders.


We also have 2 final slots available on our Board, contact our founder for more information below.



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Christopher Drummond



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& join wait list

"Due to lots of interest I am currently sending out Investor Packs as soon as you have registered interest, I will then be in touch as soon as possible as I work my way through the interested investors"


Christopher Drummond  ||  Founder of Allkin